BibleBytes Words We Need To Hear About 9-11


BibleBytes Boundaries Are What Define Your Identity
worry free

Are You to Busy To Pray? God is Waiting To Talk.

I have enjoyed archery for many years. Making the smallest group of arrows in the bulls eye would be my goal. To accomplish this I would need to slow down, take a deep breath, slowly letting it out, then focus on the shot. In the same way, when life was just not going the way I had planed, I need to slow down, focus and look up to God, his thoughts can enter my mind as I would shoot off an arrow prayer. It would help me walk in his right ways (Isaiah 55:9, paraphrase). Communicating to God makes everything better—even if we at the time don’t hear specific words the very act of communicating opens our minds to the reality that the Lord is truly with us.

But most of us struggle with trying to find the proper place, time, or mood to pray. To God, he just wishes for us to direct our attention on Him. Many times each day we come across situations in which we especially need God’s grace and guidance and if we’re already in an attitude of communicating with him it helps us in our time of special need to hear the primings of his Spirit.

“Shoot Up” an Arrow Prayer

You don't have to write a prayer but some people do. There are no rules Just Do It! Just take a moment slow down a bit, take a breath, slowly letting it out with a prayer attached. Like one below or your own.

“Dear Lord, empty me of my self and fill me with You holy Spirit, in Jesus name I pray”
Amen Lord
“Dear God, thank You that Jesus died for my sins and rose again to pay the price for my sins.. I Believe on Jesus as my Saviour”
Amen Lord
“Loving Lord, as evil increases in this fallen world, may I be covered in Christ for protection - for You are my spiritual armor”
Amen Lord
“Thank You that I am in Christ, for You have won the victory over sin and death in my life, for which I praise You Lord”
Amen Lord
“Give me strength and courage, Lord to face the day - for I know that my sufficiency is in YOU”
Amen Lord
“Thank You for your bountiful gifts - help me Lord, to be a cheerful giver”
Amen Lord
“Make me more and more like You, Lord Jesus, day by day, I pray.”
Amen Lord
“What beautiful day Lord - thank You for all Your blessings”
Amen Lord
“Purify my heart O Lord and renew a right spirit within me I pray”
Amen Lord
“I believe You are able to do anything – help my unbelief”
Amen Lord

It’s fun over the course of a day to see how many times I can remember to take a breather with God and shoot up a little arrow prayer that helps me to listen to what God might want to say back to me.

What a sweet delight it is to practice God’s presence! Everything is richer and more wonderful when you appreciate that the Spirit of Christ is with you, living and breathing in you and through you, infusing your mind with heavenly thoughts, forming your heart to be more like Jesus.

O Lord help us focus on your shining face! Let us rejoice in the brightness of your words that warm our hearts!

“Shoot Up” an Arrow Prayer

Try shooting up your arrow prayer for people the Lord puts on your heart. Offer a secret little prayer as you listen to someone. You can even pray for a stranger you see on the street or in the store: “Lord speak and shine to ________, from the rising of the sun to the place where it sets.” Amen.

Worry, more than anything else, is what distracts us from appreciating God’s presence with us. Try turning your worries into prayers."Lord protect my drive to work today" Amen. Pretty easy Huh.....

Think about this, many of you enjoy texting people threw out the day. I bet it will only be a few words but they are on your mind all day long. Doesn't Jesus deserve the same treatment?




Faith In God