Q: "Have you ever believed in something only to find out that what you believed was a lie? Have you wanted to give God a chance but just did not really know if he existed'?" To know something is far more powerful and rewarding than to believe in something. I used to believe in Santa Clause and the Easter bunny, but no matter how beautiful my mother would color those eggs, I finally figured out the truth. However disappointing it was, I would rather Know the truth than believe a lie.
I have learned over the years that to succeed in life you need to be flexible. Not like play dough that is changing all the time but like steel that will bend given the right amount of force. Changing your mind, your habits, or even your beliefs should only be done when you have the facts (force) and understanding (Your Will) that what you are changing to is the truth. 
Mind Bender is a collection of facts and knowledge that will help you understand. It will show you the truth. The truth does not bend, we do. When we understand the truth we have to be willing to Bend to it. But I will warn you of one thing. What you read here is the truth. Can you handle the truth? For me to be able to handle the truth I needed to think differently. I needed to stop believing lies. I needed to bend my mind around the truth instead of trying to bend the truth around what I wanted to believe. In this picture we see a man using his might to bend steel. This is how we have been taught most of our lives. We have had parents, who were bigger, governments who were powerful, or we followerd those who we thought were "cool".
Yes, steel can be useful when we can bend it for different purposes. But forcing steel fractures the structure of the steel creating an imperfect product. Forming steel creates a true, strong, and lasting piece that can be used for a lifetime.
This is the concept of Mind Bender. I didn't just want to believe in something just because my parents told me. Lets face it they were the ones that taught me about Santa Clause and the Easter bunny. I needed to stop believing in all the lies that other people were shouting around me. I wanted to know the truth, if it existed. It is easier to say I believe than to say I know. When you know something you can usually back it up with facts or evidence. Take God for instance; I believed in God all my life, but to my regret I can only say that I have known Him these past few years. Who is this God? Is there really a God? How can I believe something I cannot see? If I just knew for sure I would gladly give up everything.....so I said.
So I have searched for answerers and knowledge, I needed to gather the facts. I needed to know the truth. For example: Can I find happiness in my life without having a need for God? Can I enjoy an intimate relationship on my terms. Yes, but we find it is empty and quickly not enough for us. We are always searching for the next thing that will make us happy.
I still wanted it my way! But Left to my own devices it didn't work out all that well. Many questions were looming me in the face. I had to make a choice. On the one hand I could go on with life with out a care for a God I didn't understand. On the other hand, if there is a God, than I really do need to think differently. I wanted to know once and for all Does God Exist? For a time I had found happiness blindly going along my way. Now I am older and wiser and able to think for myself. I needed to understand if there was a God. I needed to do some research. There must be evidence that will prove it to me one way or the other. How can you be free, if you don't even know you're believing a lie in the first place? The Key To Freedom.
These were some of the hard questions I had to ask myself. I am sure you have also.
Think of it like this. Riding a tricycle seems fun to a child, but later if that child grows up and drives a Porsche, the tricycle seems pretty boring. You might think you've got all you'd ever wanted in life, but you might be saying that from the perspective of someone riding a tricycle. If God is real than he must be the Porsche. He must be great. So I wanted to know Him. Know Him for sure.