Grace Shield Let God Be Your Shield


BibleBytes Do Not Wallow In Your Mud!
worry free

We do not like to think about it, but one thing is true - this world is a battlefield. Every day, all day long, we face a war and an enemy who’s real. This enemy is bent on nothing more than to bring defeat to win at all costs. The main aim is to steal, kill, and destroy. The forces of darkness don't wait for us to be ready for an attack. They're ruthless, determined, and cunning. The evil one does not care if we have prepared ourselves. The forces of good and evil are at work no matter if we have decided which side we are on. In fact, not deciding is a good thing for the dark side.

God has given us His Word and His Spirit; He has also given us His wisdom and tools so that we can have His protection to stand against the enemy. No Matter what situation you find yourself in, the truth is still the same, we need to stand. We need to stand firm, together, united as if we were an army. Paul wrote while in chains, in prison, John wrote while exiled on an island, Danial stayed true while in the lion’s den, no matter how cruel and vicious Satan’s schemes, our spirits that have been set free by Christ can always remain free. We will not be silence by the attacks from dark forces if we stay in the TRUTH. That TRUTH is in Gods Word. So, let’s get at it.

"Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. Take the helmet of salvation and sword of the Spirit which is the word of God. And pray in the Spirit on all occasions, with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the saints.”
Eph. 6:10-18

The Belt Of Truth

The Believer's Integrity - A soldier in Paul's day had a leather girdle or belt that he tightened about his waist to protect his loins and carry his weapons of warfare, such as a dagger or sword. The belt also held his tunic together so it wouldn't be snagged. In Christian armor, it is the integrity that holds everything else together. If you do not have integrity in the big and small things of your life, you are going to lose the battle. Would people say that you are a woman or man of integrity? If not, then you cannot win the battle. Integrity is following the TRUTH no matter where it will lead you. That truth must line up with the Truth of His word.

The Breastplate Of Righteousness

The Believer's Purity - The breastplate of a soldier was sometimes made of woven chain and used to cover the soldier's vital organs. For the Christian, the breastplate is righteousness. The enemy wants to attack you not only with lies, but also with impurity. He wants you to read filthy magazines, watch immoral movies, and engage in all temptations of the flesh. The bottom line is that Satan wants to get into your heart and mind. He's looking for a crack in your armor. And don't be fooled. Satan knows where that crack is. Is your heart pure before God? If not, then you cannot win the battle.

The Shoes Of Peace

The Believer's Tranquility - A Roman soldier's would have hobnails on the sole, very much like football cleats because when they were fighting they needed solid footing from which to move. Unless you have a solid footing of peace, you can never make war. Sounds like a contradiction, doesn't it? When Satan comes against your tranquility, he throws out stones and briers of doubts and discouragement to cause you to stumble. Do you have peace right now? If not, then you cannot win the battle.

The Shield Of Faith

The Believer's Certainty - The Roman soldier's shield measured approximately two by four feet and was made of wood covered with leather. In that day, soldiers dipped arrows in oil, then lit them and shot them at the enemy. These shields were vital to protect the solider from getting burned. Satan is going to fire flaming arrows of doubt at you. He wants to place subtle doubts in your mind about God and His Truth. He knows a spark can ignite a big fire. You will need to feed your faith and starve your doubts. Are there any seeds of doubt in your mind today? If there are, then you cannot win the battle.

The Helmet Of Salvation

The Believer's Sanity - A soldier used a helmet to protect his head because if his head was wounded, he wouldn't be able to think. Every believer needs to have the mind of Christ under the control of Almighty God. When a person is saved, for the first time he has his right mind. A person without the Spirit of the Lord Jesus Christ has a form of insanity. They do not operate with the mind that God made them to have. The most important thing for you to have at all times is an assurance of your salvation. Do you know that you are saved? If you aren't, then you cannot win the battle.

Sword of the Spirit

The Word of God - When we are tempted, the most effective weapon that God has given to us as believers is the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God. Jesus modeled this so beautifully during His temptation in the wilderness. When the devil tried temptation after temptation against Him, Jesus used the sword of the Spirit. Jesus spoke the Word of God to Satan. In Luke 4:1-13, Jesus responded, “It is written, ‘You shall worship the Lord God only. Him only you shall serve.” and again brought the Scripture back into context, “It has been said, ‘You shall not tempt the Lord your God.’” The sword of the Spirit works. Memorize Scripture and use the Word of God to defeat Satan's lies and attacks.

God has a plan for our lives. The enemy has a plan for us too. We just have to decide which voice we’re going to listen to, and who we're going to choose to follow each day. And chances are, if we don't make a determined choice to follow God, we may eventually fall into the evil one’s trap. God gives specific instructions in his Word, he gives us all we need to stand strong in

Faith In God